Provincial Funding Information

Limited Provincial Funding Available

Funding to attend a business meeting of the union, such as the Bargaining Conference, is determined by membership policy

As per policy, the following members are eligible for funding from SUN Provincial to attend the Bargaining Conference: 

  1. Board of Directors (Membership Policy 055-M-2023)
  2. Network Leads (Membership Policy 059-M-2023)
  3. Current provincial Committee Members or Members appointed to an external committee
    (Membership Policy 057-M-2023)
    • For this event, the following Committees are eligible for funding: 
      • Constitution, Bylaws, and Resolutions Committee
      • Finance Committee
      • Negotiations Committee
      • Nominations Committee
      • Program Committee
      • Member appointed to the Position Evaluation Committee
      • Members appointed to a SFL Committees.
    • NOTE : "Current" committee refers to those elected to the term of May 2023 - April 2025.
  4. Locally appointed representative 
    • Funding is available for one (1) representative per local or sub-local as identified in the SUN database.
    • As per Membership Policy 058-M-2023, this funding was previously awarded to Local SNC Representatives; however, due to the work of the SNCs currently on hold, this funding for the Bargaining Conference is being awarded to Locals.
    • NOTE: Accessing this funding is to be approved by your Local Executive prior to registration.
  5. Youth Representatives (Membership Policy 056-M-2023)
    • NOTE: See below for application process


Funding Parameters

Funding for the above categories shall be applied to each day in attendance of the event and limited to:

  • Salary
    • For a scheduled shift (paid provincial union leave), SUN Provincial will reimburse your Employer for one shift per day of the event you are attending.
    • If attending on a day off, SUN Provincial will pay you directly for 8 hours per day of attendance (a TD1 form on file is required).
  • Travel
    • Carpooling is strongly encouraged.
    • Roundtrip kilometrage shall be paid to members (drivers only) who must travel in excess of 50 kms (one-way) at a rate determined annually by the Board of Directors in the budget.
    • Kilometrage shall be defined as the distance between (direct route) the member’s home town/city and the city/town hosting the event. 
    • Travel time will only be compensated for the Board of Directors and Committee members as defined in policy.
  • Hotel Accommodations
    • Funding for accommodation shall be on the basis of two members sharing a room, members requesting single occupancy shall be responsible for one-half (½) of the cost of the room.
    • As per policy, “travel in lieu of hotel” arrangements must be confirmed with the First Vice-President in advance
    • Contact Denise Dick at for more information regarding funding for accommodations.
  • Meals
    • Meal per diems for breakfast and supper will be issued for each day of the event.
    • Reimbursement will not be provided for meals included with the event. 
      • Lunch will be provided during each meeting day.
    • If staying in a hotel, any in-room dining charges must be reconciled upon check out.
  • Parking
    • If required, shall be reimbursed for reasonable parking expenses, receipts required.

Youth Funding

  • As per Membership Policy 056-­M-­2023, funding shall be available for one youth representative (up to age 30 at time of event) from each SUN Network to attend the Bargaining Conference.

  • One (1) additional youth representative shall be funded, to be selected by random draw from all youth applicants.

  • Youth members must register prior to the deadline of 1200 hours on December 20, 2023.
  • Please review the Membership Policy 056-M-2023 to see funding specifics and eligibility criteria.

Other Potential Funding Options

Locally Funded Members

  • SUN members not fitting into one of the above funding categories are encouraged to speak to their Local Executive as soon as possible to request funding to attend the Bargaining Conference.
  • Each SUN Local is responsible for determining the applicable processes for communicating and awarding funding to members to participate in the Meeting. Members must speak to their Local Executive for information regarding such processes and to seek the appropriate approvals.

Unfunded Members

  • SUN members are welcome and encouraged to attend the Meeting as an unfunded member.
  • When registering, please select General Member as your registrant type.


If you have any questions regarding funding , please contact