Candace Bellegarde, RPN, Local 266

My name is Candice Bellegarde. I am a proud Registered Psychiatric Nurse and SUN member of 25 years. My work passion has always been in the field mental health with experience in both acute and community settings. This area has been hit hard with challenges and cuts, which require strong advocacy and a seat at the decision making table. Nurses have a powerful voice collectively, strong leadership, and an enormous will to create better for our patients and our fellow nurses.

During my career I have served in numerous union roles including the Negotiations Committee, Local President, NAC Committee/Chair, OH&S, and several other forums. I am seeking to be elected for the position of Mental Health Rep for the Negotiations Committee. I believe I can be one of the strong voices in the bargaining process for contract and work life improvements effecting greater improvements for patient care as well.

Krystle Wallman, RN, Local 258

In 2012 I began my RN practice. Since 2013, I've been working the frontlines of mental health in both inpatient and community settings, currently employed as an Outreach Nurse with Saskatoon Mental Health and Addiction Services. Over the past six years, I've been involved with my Locals in various capacities including NAC committee, ward rep, treasurer and additionally, the SUN rep on the SFL Solidarity and Pride Committee.

Not only have I witnessed existing challenges in mental health, but have experienced them first hand. I believe this knowledge would be an asset as we enter the next round of bargaining. Retention of nurses is crucial. Adequate orientation is critical. Workload must be manageable. Staffing has to be sufficient. I am committed to embracing what lies ahead and being a voice for the membership to ensure member rights are protected and client safety is at the forefront of what we do.