Angelica Daigneault, RN, Local 73

Position statement unavailable

Trudy Derkach, RPN, Local 266

My name is Trudy Derkach. I am a Registered Psychiatric Nurse and have worked for over 6 years within Yorkton Mental Health Centre's inpatient psychiatric unit, Pine Unit. My involvement with Local 266 has been in the role of Vice President as well as the NAC Chair for the past two years. The Collective Bargaining Agreement is something that I have a great interest in and advocate within my local to ensure our rights as nurses are upheld. I am seeking a position for the Constitution, Bylaws & Resolutions Committee. I am looking forward to the opportunity to further my knowledge on the CBA and attain a more active role within SUN.

Rachel Hyatt-Hiebert, RN, Local 69

Greeting SUN Members,

My name is Rachel Hyatt-Hiebert. I am a member of SUN Local 69 Cypress Regional Hospital and Homecare and work in CCU and education. I am seeking to be reelected to the Constitution Bylaws and Resolutions Committee for another term. I currently have been sitting on the committee as its chairperson. I greatly value the work of the committee and truly enjoy being able to serve in this capacity. I am committed to upholding the constitution, bylaws and resolutions that form the backbone of our union and believe that I bring experience and knowledge to the position. If elected I commit to fulfilling this role to the best of my ability. I ask for your consideration as I pursue another term on this exciting and rewarding committee.

Thank You,

Rachel Hyatt-Hiebert

Candace Lahoda, RN, Local 75

My name is Candace, I’m a proud Registered Nurse currently working at the Saskatoon City Hospital MS Clinic. I graduated from the Nursing Education Program of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon in 2010. I have worked in several different clinical areas since, including Ortho, Neurology, La Ronge and Inpatient Mental Health at Dube. I am active with the union as a local unit rep, and have previously served on the provincial Program Committee, and most recently the Constitution Bylaws and Resolutions Committee. I thoroughly enjoy working with the many fantastic healthcare teams and union members that I’ve crossed paths with over the years. I would appreciate the opportunity to continue to serve you as a CB&R Committee member. Thank you for your consideration.

Amanda (Mandi) Senger, RN, Local 75

Previously, I worked at the Jim Pattison Children's Hospital in Pediatric Intensive care and Children's Emergency services. Currently, I hold a temporary position at RUH as a Repatriation Coordinator. In 2016, I began attending local meetings as well as SUN Provincial events. Presently, I hold the position of OHS Chair on my executive at Local 75 and have been in that role since 2018. I also review the master and provisional schedules for SUN Local 75. Prior to this, I was the junior executive member. I have held an elected position on the Constitution Resolutions and Bylaws committee since 2019. This committee has taught me numerous things, including the structure of our union, Roberts's rules and has given me the chance to re-familiarize myself in regards to speaking in front of a large crowd. I really do love this work!

I thank-you for your consideration,

Mandi Senger, RN BSN