NOTE: Funding for this event will be applied by the same process and definitions as the SUN Annual Meeting and/or Bargaining Conference.

Funding Available from SUN Provincial

Funding available from SUN Provincial to attend a meeting of the union, such as the Annual Meeting, Bargaining Conference and/or Special Meeting, is determined by membership policies.

The following members will receive funding to attend the meeting; funding specifics are provided under each funding category. Click on the category name to view details.

All other funding available is determined and communicated by the individual SUN Locals - members are encouraged to speak to their local executive prior to registering for the event.



  • Funding for Provincial Committee Members is determined by Membership Policy 057-M-2023.
  • As defined under Bylaw 6.01, this category of funding includes members elected to a current  standing committee: NOTE: "Current" committee refers to those elected to the term of May 2023 - April 2025.
    • Constitution, Bylaws, and Resolutions Committee
    • Finance Committee
    • Negotiations Committee
    • Nominations Committee
    • Community Connections Committee
  • Members appointed to the Position Evaluation Committee and SFL Committees are provided funding to attend the meeting as per Membership Policy 056-M-2023.



  • Funding for this category is only provided to those listed above.
  • Funding is not determined by random draw nor shall it be delegated to another SUN member.
  • Funding shall be applied to each day in attendance of the event and limited to:

    • Salary
      • For a scheduled shift (paid provincial union leave), SUN Provincial will reimburse your Employer for one shift per day of the event you are attending.
      • If attending on a day off, SUN Provincial will pay you directly for 8 hours per day of attendance.
    • Travel
      • Carpooling is strongly encouraged.
      • Roundtrip kilometrage shall be paid to members (drivers only) who must travel in excess of 50 kms (one-way) at a rate determined annually by the Board of Directors in the budget.
      • Kilometrage shall be defined as the distance between (direct route) the member’s home town/city and the city/town hosting the event. 
      • Travel time will be compensated for Committee members.
    • Hotel Accommodations
      • Funding for accommodation shall be on the basis of two members sharing a room, members requesting single occupancy shall be responsible for one-half (½) of the cost of the room.
      • As per Membership Policy 057-M-2023, “travel in lieu of hotel” arrangements must be confirmed with the First Vice-President in advance of the event. Contact Denise Dick at for more information.
    • Meals
      • Meal per diems for breakfast and supper will be issued for each day of the event.
      • Reimbursement will not be provided for meals included with the event. 
      • If staying in a hotel, any in-room dining charges must be reconciled upon check out.
      • Lunch will be provided during each meeting day.
    • Parking
      • If required, shall be reimbursed for reasonable parking expenses, receipts required.


  • Provincial funding for Local SNC Representatives is determined by Membership Policy 058-M-2023.
    • Local SNC Representative(s) shall be determined by the Local.
    • Funding shall be available for one (1) Representative, or alternate, for each facility/agency identified as a local and/or sub-local in SUN Provincial’s database. 
  • NOTE: While the work of the SUN Network Councils (SNCs) is currently on hold, funding for one (1) representative per local or sub-local identified in SUN Provincial's database is available for this event.



  • Funding for this category is not determined by random draw ; only those appointed by their Local will have access to this funding.
  • Funding shall be applied to each day in attendance of the event and limited to:
    • Salary
      • For a scheduled shift (paid provincial union leave), SUN Provincial will reimburse your Employer for one shift per day of the event you are attending.
      • If attending on a day off, SUN Provincial will pay you directly for 8 hours per day of attendance.
    • Travel
      • Carpooling is strongly encouraged.
      • Roundtrip kilometrage shall be paid to members (drivers only) who must travel in excess of 50 kms (one-way) at a rate determined annually by the Board of Directors in the budget.
      • Kilometrage shall be defined as the distance between (direct route) the member’s home town/city and the city/town hosting the event. 
      • Compensation for travel time is not provided.
    • Hotel Accommodations
      • Funding for accommodation shall be on the basis of two members sharing a room, members requesting single occupancy shall be responsible for one-half (½) of the cost of the room.
      • As per Membership Policy 058-M-2023, “travel in lieu of hotel” arrangements must be confirmed with the First Vice-President in advance of the event. Contact Denise Dick at for more information.
    • Meals
      • Meal per diems for breakfast and supper will be provided for this funded category for this event.
      • Lunch will be provided during each meeting day.
    • Parking
      • If required, shall be reimbursed for reasonable parking expenses, receipts required.

Additional Funding Opportunity

  • As per Membership Policy 056-M-2023, funding shall be available for one youth representative (up to age 30 at time of event) from each SUN Network to attend the Annual Meeting.

  • One (1) additional youth representative shall be funded, to be selected by random draw from all youth applicants.



  • Members must select NON-FUNDED MEMBER from the possible registrant types.
  • Members must identify as a Youth Delegate (<30 years old) and select YES to apply for youth funding.
  • Members must complete the registration process prior to the deadline of 1200 hours on May 20, 2024.
  • Selected applicants will be notified via e-mail by May 21, 2024.



  • Funding for this category is only provided to those selected by random draw and cannot be delegated to another SUN Member.
  • Funding shall be applied to each day in attendance of the event and limited to:

    • Salary
      • For a scheduled shift (paid provincial union leave), SUN Provincial will reimburse your Employer for one shift per day of the event you are attending.
      • If attending on a day off, SUN Provincial will pay you directly for 8 hours per day of attendance.
    • Travel
      • Carpooling is strongly encouraged.
      • Roundtrip kilometrage shall be paid to members (drivers only) who must travel in excess of 50 kms (one-way) at a rate determined annually by the Board of Directors in the budget.
      • Kilometrage shall be defined as the distance between (direct route) the member’s home town/city and the city/town hosting the event. 
      • Compensation for travel time is not provided.
    • Hotel Accommodations
      • Funding for accommodation shall be on the basis of two members sharing a room, members requesting single occupancy shall be responsible for one-half (½) of the cost of the room.
      • As per Membership Policy 058-M-2023, “travel in lieu of hotel” arrangements must be confirmed with the First Vice-President in advance of the event. Contact Denise Dick at for more information.
    • Meals
      • Meal per diems for breakfast and supper will be provided for this funded category for this event.
      • Lunch will be provided during each meeting day.
    • Parking
      • If required, shall be reimbursed for reasonable parking expenses, receipts required.


If you have any questions regarding funding , please contact