Discussing SUN's Organizational Structure:
Member Consultation Sessions

April 22, 2024  

Regina Base Hospitals

On December 12, 2023, members were advised that SUN will be holding consultation sessions across the province to discuss the proposed changes to SUN’s organizational structure.

CLICK HERE to read the detailed December 12 communications.

A series of meetings have been scheduled in your SUN Network to provide members with the chance to participate during in-person or Zoom meeting.

It is vital we hear from you regarding this important opportunity to strengthen and support member representation across the province.

Your feedback during these sessions is critical to assist the Board of Directors in conducting a comprehensive review of SUN’s structure, as well as developing proposed changes to our constitution and bylaws, which will be presented to the membership for discussion and a vote during a special meeting.




Monday, April 22
1300  1700



The Board of Directors has approved one-time funding for all members in attendance at an Informational Session. Registration in advance is required.

Provincial funding for attending a Zoom meeting is defined as:

  • Salary
    • Four (4) hours of income continuance for a paid union leave (for a portion of a scheduled shift) OR
    • Four (4) hours of direct pay on a day off.


If you have any questions regarding funding , please contact erin.thomsen@sun-nurses.sk.ca